
To ensure effective coordination of the migration-related developments in Georgia and coordinate the competences falling under various bodies, the State Commission on Migration Issues was set up on 13 October 2010. The Commission’s analytical and administrative support is provided through the Secretariat created and supported by European Union and hosted by the Public Service Development Agency of the Ministry of Justice.

Main functions of the Secretariat

- Organizational, technical and intellectual support of the Commission;

- The Secretariat ensures:

  • Facilitation of exchanging information and coordinated action of the state bodies – members of the Commission and the organizations enjoying the consultative status - aimed to accomplish tasks assigned by the Commission and monitor their implementation;
  • Elaboration of informational and analytical materials on migration related issues;
  • Preparation, organization and holding meetings, conferences and seminars initiated by the Commission;
  • Carrying out the function of the National Contact Point for the European Migration Network;
  • Within the scope of its competences, conducting other activities required for effective functioning of the Commission.



Secretariat of the State Commission on Migration Issues
Public Service Development Agency
Ministry of Justice of Georgia


Tel:+995 32 2 40 10 10
Address: 0105 Tbilisi, Sanapiro St. №2


Guidebook on legal immigration