The status of the stateless person and required documents

A stateless person is a person who is not recognized as a citizen of any state. in Georgia, a status of a stateless person is determined by the Public Service development agency. To determine the status, a person has to submit an application to any territorial office of the Public Service development agency, a branch of the Public Service Hall, or a Community Centre.

A capable person of full legal age (18 years) can submit an application for the status to be determined. an application of an underage person (less than 18 years) is considered only if the application is submitted by his/her legal representative. The application must contain 2 photographs sized 3x4; an identity document, travel document, or any other document issued by a foreign country certifying the fact of statelessness of a status seeker, and a receipt certifying the payment of the relevant service fee. In case certain documents are missing, an applicant must provide the relevant explanation.

The application must contain the following data of a status seeker:

  • Identification data (name and surname, in case these have been changed - the name and surname before the change; previous citizenship, sex, date and place of birth, mother’s maiden name and name after marriage);
  • Details of an identity document or travel document issued by a foreign country (type of document and number, term of validity, place and date of issuance, an issuing body);
  • Marital status, date of marriage, citizenship and place of birth of children; name, surname and citizenship of a spouse (a former spouse);
  • Countries of residence and periods of residence in those countries;
  • Education;
  • Employment;
  • Place of factual residence.

During the administrative proceedings, until the status of a stateless person is determined, a status- seeker’s stay in Georgia without the legal grounds is considered admissible. The Public Service development agency provides the status-seeker with the temporary identity card for the term of one year. the document automatically becomes invalid after the decision on the status is taken.

A temporary identity card is a certificate of an identity which is issued to an asylum seeker, a seeker of a status of stateless person in Georgia, and other persons as prescribed by the law.

An application for the status of a stateless person is considered and a final decision is taken within 6 months after the application is filed. the agency can extend the term of administrative proceedings for an additional 3 months, if the significant circumstances have to be established or a necessary document/ information has to be obtained.

Positive decision on the status of a stateless person means that a residence permit is automatically granted to the person. in standard cases, temporary residence permit and residence card are issued for the period of 3 years. these documents are issued for an indefinite term to persons, who have been renounced the Georgian citizenship, persons who had permanently resided in Georgia by 31 march 1993, were not recognized as citizens of Georgia and after 31 march 1993 maintained their permanent registration in Georgia.

After acquiring a residence permit, a stateless person can obtain a travel passport so that he/she can leave Georgia, travel abroad, and re-enter Georgia.

To obtain a travel passport, a stateless person must apply to a territorial office of the Public Service development agency, a branch of the Public Service Hall, or a Community Centre.

Additional information on the status of a stateless person and issuance of corresponding documents is available on the websites:;

Guidebook on legal immigration