An international EU-funded conference entitled “Migration Management in Georgia: progress and challenges,” jointly organized by the State Migration Commission and DRC was held on 28 June at the Courtyard Marriott Hotel. The conference participants – representatives of the Georgian government, international community, civil society organizations and academic circles – discussed political, economic and security components of the migration process, their impact on Georgia as well as current and possible future challenges.

The above international conference also served as the final conference under the EU-funded “Consolidation of reintegration activities in Georgia” project implemented during January 2011- June 2013 by DRC in cooperation with ICMPD with a budget exceeding €500 000.

The project assisted the Georgian Government in defining reintegration policy objectives for those migrants who have returned to Georgia. Public agencies working in the field of education, social assistance, justice, regional development and employment as well as international organizations, civil society and scientific-research institutions took part in the working meetings organized in the framework of the project. To ensure sustainability of the return process, business proposals from 52 returned migrants have been financed. In addition, capacity building components were implemented for the Georgian Association of Private Employment Agencies and other organizations responsible for employment and economic reintegration issues.

Guidebook on legal immigration