Selection of Participants for the Pilot Circular Migration Scheme Between Germany and Georgia Has Started

In June, 2014 a Partnership Agreement was signed between the Public Service Development Agency (Ministry of Justice) and Center for International Migration and Development (CIM). The partners of the project - “Strengthening the Development Potential of the EU Mobility Partnership in Georgia through Targeted Circular Migration and Diaspora Mobilization” funded by the EU and co-funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development are – the Center for International Migration and Development (CIM), Public Service Development Agency and Georgian Small and Medium Enterprises Association. Designed for 36 months, the project covers following directions: testing a pilot labor circular migration scheme between Germany and Georgia based on the needs of the two countries; support the capacity of the Georgian policy makers to apply a development-oriented and migrant-centered approach, in order to support mobility of migrants, at the same preventing brain drain; mobilizing diaspora to return, get employed and start-up small & medium enterprises in Georgia; identifying guidelines and best practices for replication to other initiatives.

At the current stage, the project aims at selecting the participants for the above-mentioned circular scheme. The selection process is run by the German side – Centre for International Migration and Development. The participants will be recruited from nursing (20 candidates) and hospitality (restaurant/hotel affairs specialists, cooks – 20 candidates) sectors. Consequently, 40 professionals from Georgia will get an opportunity for temporary employment and continued education in Germany. Employers for the participants in Germany will be selected by the Federal Employment Agency of Germany.

The pilot circular migration scheme foresees as well assistance in reintegration issues, thus supporting the transfer of gained knowledge and experience in Georgia. Therefore, the project will be beneficial as for the migrants, who will get more chances of professional growth in Georgia through the gained experiences in Europe, as well as for the countries of origin and destination, who are in need of professional staff members in the above-mentioned sectors.

Information about the project can be obtained at the website:

Announcement texts can be obtained at the following links: and

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